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Telkom Indonesia

Developed an attractive UI with seamless UX on recruitment website, and data-focused social media contents aimed for fresh graduates and younger professionals on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.



By strategically positioning itself as an employer of choice for emerging talents, Telkom Indonesia not only solidifies its position as a leader in the telecommunications industry, but also reinforces its dedication to spearheading digital transformation initiatives across the country.

Through this visionary approach, Telkom Indonesia stands poised to continue shaping the future of telecommunications, while attracting the brightest digital minds to join them on this exciting journey.

Content Production

Social Media & YouTube

Our Solution

UI/UX Design

Social Media Strategy

Social Media Content Production

Video Production


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State-owned enterprises have frequently been perceived as conventional and bureaucratic, which can hinder the infusion of fresh and innovative ideas from younger employees. Recognizing the importance of rejuvenating the image and effectively conveying their digital-centric initiatives to appeal to promising young talents, Telkom Indonesia embarked on a mission to revamp its recruitment website and enhance its social media presence. The aim is to shed the outdated stereotypes and embrace a more dynamic and forward-thinking identity, aligning the company with the evolving demands of the modern workforce.

This strategic initiative not only served to break free from the shackles of bureaucracy and demonstrate their readiness to engage with emerging talent, ultimately positioning themselves as attractive prospects for young professionals eager to make a meaningful impact in the digital landscape.



We built on a comprehensive transformation with an enticing user interface (UI) for Telkom Indonesia recruitment website, as well as a seamless and intuitive user experience (UX). We also meticulously crafted data-focused social media content, tailored specifically for fresh graduates and younger professionals, and strategically deployed it across popular platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

UI/UX Design

A seamless UI/UX design for Telkom Indonesia career page (

Video Production

Produce 23 videos for Living in Telkom programs, 15 of them are data-focused content (Digistar Adventure).

Social Media Strategy

Monthly average Instagram followers growth around 500 accounts, and monthly average TikTok followers growth around 880 accounts.